v0.6 | Countryballs at War

Update notes for Countryballs at War version full 0.6.

New campaign, new units, combat improvements, many bug fixes, and gameplay improvements.


  • Added the American Revolutionary War campaign.
  • Added Doppelsoldner, Sepoy, Livgarde Swordsman, Carolean, and Blue Guard.
  • Added the new units on the countries’ unit trees.
  • Added the automatic deploy button on the combat panel.
  • Added combat damage numbers.
  • Added 3 new combat backgrounds.

Tweaks & Enchantments

  • Improved the unit healthbar visuals.
  • Switched Napoleonic France to French Kingdom on the Muskets & Colonials campaign.
  • Changed the United States and Napoleonic France unlock zones.
  • Nerfed the Blastwave Cannon stats
  • Lowered ranged units’ defense and health.
  • Added a level upgrade for level 5.
  • Shortened the war declaration sound effect.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the Crimea and PLC bordering issue.
  • Fixed a bug where Academy panels would stuck showing the same upgrade information.
  • Fixed a bug where battle indicator buttons would overlap with the campaign panels.
  • Fixed a bug where you would create a coalition with an already destroyed country.
  • Fixed a bug where we could get over a peace treaty by declaring war on their puppet countries.
  • Fixed a bug where Seven Years’ War Paris Treaty sometimes would glitch the diplomacy options.

30 responses to “v0.6 | Countryballs at War”

  1. Hello, I would like to please ask you to add a modern day mode, The only problem is that some regions are merged (for example Gabon and Equatorial Guinea).
    I’d be very thankful if you do.

  2. Not to be that Guy SHN But the Update sucks

    No new countrys?

    Cutting the map in half in American Revolutionary war?

    Bruh If you knew it wasn’t a good idea then don’t do it you know we could wait Months for the Update You know?

    Anyways sorry for any offense but its the truth and the truth hurts

    But still can’t wait for Update 0.7

  3. In my opinion American Revolutionary war scenario should take place on whole world, not only in America (and partially in Europe and Africa), and also I think more cannon types and sea forces should be added.

  4. Awesome but just one thing,
    have the seven years war here too as I like the campaign in this game.
    Anyways I hope you keep improving <3

    • An option to give or still land from puppets would be nice.
      Also formables, leaders, religions and maybe cultures could also be good.
      And more options for money gaining like spending on economy, education, etc…

  5. It’s fine but next time can you add new countries? Also an option to ask land and give land to puppets would be nice. Maybe an option to release nations as puppets like Catalonia, South Africa, Ainu or something like that.

  6. Leyendo los comentarios creo que se podría mejorar algunos aspectos

    en el nuevo modo creo que no está mal que solo sea América pero creo que lo insiste mal, si solo es América debería dividirse en más territorios

    En el nuevo modo deberías de cambiar los “estados unidos” por los 13 estados

    También creo que sería buena idea poder liberar países de tu territorio como títeres, no me refiero a qué puedes ponerlo donde tú quieras sino como el país viene de basé

    Por último sigo esperando el modo editor donde el jugador pueda poner los países que ya desbloqueo donde quiera

    Esto viene de un jugador que iso un Word conques con Bután en las guerreras napoleónicas con la máxima dificultad

    • English Translation:

      Reading the comments I think some aspects could be improved

      In the new mode I think it is not bad that it is only America but I think it insists badly, if it is only America it should be divided into more territories

      In the new mode you should change the “united states” for the 13 states

      I also think it would be a good idea to be able to free countries from your territory like puppets, I’m not talking about how you can put it wherever you want but how the country comes from base

      Finally, I’m still waiting for the editor mode where the player can put the countries that they have already unlocked wherever they want

      This comes from a player who is a Word conques with Bhutan in the Napoleonic Wars with the maximum difficulty

  7. También aí un súper bug
    El sucede cuando tienes una sola tropa y inicias 2 batallas y en la primera pierdes tu única tropa,con esto ya no puedes jugar porque no te deja seguir avanzando la partida

    El bug se puede resolver haciendo que pierdas la batalla automáticamente si no tienes ejército y pasas de ronda

    • English Translation:

      Also there is a super bug
      This happens when you have only one troop and you start 2 battles and in the first one you lose your only troop, with this you can no longer play because it doesn’t let you continue advancing the game

      The bug can be resolved by making you lose the battle automatically if you have no army and pass the round

  8. What if they add an Online Mode, where you can create servers and people can play with the available countries and if there are not enough players, they find bots to replace the countries that had not been chosen.

  9. Add a feature where you can volunteer to be a puppet even outside of war for trying to play in harder modes as small countries like bhutan

  10. When is 0.7? I’m addicted and want my next hit.

    Also add territory trading, like spending materials, money or even units to purchase territories from other nations.

    You could also make it an event like the 7 years war treaty or pirates.

    For example; America’s pursc

  11. When ever I was play a long game/world conquest I just stop producing food this happened for me as Morocco American revolution and Japan muskets and colonies

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